Goat Meat Frozen

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Goat Meat Frozen: Goat meat is a delicacy and most importantly consumed by folks in Africa. Added to soups, stews and eaten when roasted or boiled.

Read Link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goat_meat#Production


SKU: Categories:Frozen, Meat Product Tag:


Goat Meat: Goat meat is a delicacy and most importantly consumed by folks in Africa. Added to soups, stews and eaten when roasted or boiled. Goat is a staple in Africa, Asia, and South/Central America, and a delicacy in a few European cuisines.

Click: How to cook Goat Soup 


Additional information

Weight N/A
Weight: 1 - 5Ibs

1IB, 2IB, 3IB, 4IB, 5IB

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