
0 out of 5


Average per Tulip is 2.5 lBS

The yam plant is a perennial vine cultivated for its large, edible, underground tuber, which can grow up to 120 pounds in weight and up to 2 meters in length. They are one of the typical tropical crops requiring hot, humid temperatures and may cease to grow when temperature dips below 68 degrees F

SKU: Categories:African Product, Featured, Vegetables


Yams are one of carbohydrate rich, staple tuber vegetables of West African origin. Botanically they belong to the family Dioscoreaceae, in the genus, Dioscorea.


Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Weight: 1 - 5Ibs

1IB, 2IB, 3IB, 4IB, 5IB

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