Made up of three fruit juices – grape, raspberry and blackcurrant, they are blended with herbs and spices and then carbonated to give you that lovely flavour. Just add water to get the perfect cordial to suit your taste buds.
A soft drink originating from England. It was first manufactured as a health tonic in cordial form, then decades later as a carbonated drink. It contains the juice of grapes, raspberries and blackcurrants (in a 3% concentration), flavoured with herbs and spices. The original recipe was invented in 1908 by (John) Noel Nichols.
Vimto has also been made into a sweet and an ice lolly. It is available both as ‘packaged goods’—i.e., in cans and bottles via retail outlets—or as a dispensed soft drink—i.e., a draught drink in pubs, clubs and restaurants.
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